Aiming Laser Technology Co., Ltd.
Laser Technology Has Become an Important Strategic Support Technology

Laser Technology Has Become an Important Strategic Support Technology

Laser technology is considered to be one of the essential tools for human survival and development in the intelligent society. Such as sweeping robot, vehicle-mounted laser radar and so on. At present, major countries in science and technology attach great importance to the research and application of laser technology, China also attaches great importance to the research and application of laser technology, such as high efficiency and precision laser additive manufacturing - ecM overall manufacturing technology, femtosecond laser precision manufacturing application basic research projects in the national Key RESEARCH and development program.

At present, laser display technology has been widely used. The principle is to use red laser, green laser and blue laser as the light source, and display by adjusting the intensity ratio of the three colors, the total intensity and the temporal and spatial distribution of intensity. Laser display technology is to solve the problem of high fidelity image reproduction. The laser spectrum is narrow, good direction, high power, can be accurately controlled in the best visual perception area of the human eye, easy to achieve 8K high resolution and high contrast. In addition, its diffuse imaging, full pixel luminescence advantages with good comfort, low visual fatigue, and no short-wave blue light damage.

Laser Technology Has Become an Important Strategic Support Technology

China's laser technology and industry has entered the world's leading ranks, in key materials, components, technologies, complete machines and patents have been independent and controllable development of the industry conditions. Laser has many applications in the country's economic and social development. With solid state laser, the manufacturing industry can develop by leaps and bounds. For example, during the COVID-19 epidemic, a company broke through the technical bottleneck of spinneret in the production of melt-blown cloth for protective masks in Chinese enterprises by relying on its years of technical accumulation in the direction of ultra-fast laser precision hole making. After the technology is put into the market, the processing quality of the spinneret hole is effectively improved, and it is a big step forward for the melt-blown cloth to be processed in China.

As one of the important strategic supporting technologies in China, laser technology plays an important role in two aspects: one is to support the frontier of scientific research, the other is to support the national high-tech industry.

In terms of supporting the scientific research frontier, "Deep ULTRAVIOLET solid state laser source cutting-edge equipment development project", which makes China the only country in the world capable of manufacturing practical deep ultraviolet solid state laser. The successful development of these instruments and equipment and the important achievements obtained in the research make China's scientific research level in the field of deep ULTRAVIOLET in the international leading position, and create some new interdisciplinary frontiers in the fields of physics, chemistry, materials, information and so on. These achievements were highly evaluated by overseas scholars, and this batch of instruments and equipment is still "prohibited" to foreign countries until today.

In terms of high and new technology, "gu type therapy", the principle of which is to use a laser to penetrate the surface skin of the person, to stop the bleeding of the internal organs, save the patient's life without causing harm to the patient's skin, this therapy has also been promoted internationally; There is also a complete set of methods for the localization of laser cleaning automobile tire molds. These related equipment is not only environmentally friendly, safe and efficient, but also reduces China's previous dependence on similar products imported from Germany.
